Where is Automotive Services located?
1440 Warrior Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404
What are Automotive Services hours and rates?
Monday through Friday, 7:00 am – 4:00 pm. For after-hour emergencies, contact the call center at 205-348-6001 or Issac Falls at 205-210-1028. Rates are $118 per hour.
Who do I contact about a vehicle accident, vandalism, or driver error damage?
Please review Risk Management's Driver Safety and Vehicle Management Program on page 6, which covers Accident Procedures as well as Insurance Coverage.
How do I fill out an Incident Report?
Risk Management's General Incident Report
How do I contact someone for towing assistance?
Please call 205-348-5454 for towing/wrecker services. The dispatcher will contact a contracted vendor to perform the service.
Can I wait while services are being performed?
Yes, please schedule in advance with the service writer at 205-348-4806.
Who do I contact for account numbers and invoicing?
Please call Angel Driver at 205-348-4809 with any questions about repair invoices, billing procedures, and account number changes.
Who do I contact for issues with the fuel pumps or cards?
Please contact Fleet Services at 205-348-4800 with any issues or questions about fuel pumps or gas cards.
Who can assist with choosing a new vehicle?
Please call 205-348-8798 for assistance with new vehicles.
How do I go about selling a departmental vehicle?
Complete and submit a Transaction Form then bring the vehicle to Automotive Services with the form and all keys to the vehicle.
Do you work on faculty/staff and student vehicles?
No, Automotive Services is only authorized to work on the University of Alabama owned vehicles.
Who should I contact if I need assistance after-hours?
For after-hours towing assistance call UAPD at 205-348-5454. The person on call will be on hand to assist as needed.
For after-hour emergencies contact the call center at 348-6001 or Issac Falls at 205-210-1028.